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Category Title Patent Number ↑ Issue Date Assignee  
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific Interactive software development system US5764989 06-09-1998 Open Invention Network, LLC
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific Incremental byte code compilation system US5848274 12-08-1998 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Computer system to compile non-incremental computer source code to execute within an incremental type computer system US5884083 03-16-1999 Open Invention Network, LLC
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific Data representation for mixed-Language program development US6067413 05-23-2000 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Market makers using documents for commerce in trading partner networks US6125391 09-26-2000 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Tool for building documents for commerce in trading partner networks and interface definitions based on the documents US6542912 04-01-2003 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Method of retrieving schemas for interpreting documents in an electronic commerce system US6591260 07-08-2003 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Computer system to compile non incremental computer source code to execute within incremental type computer system US6687896 02-03-2004 Open Invention Network, LLC
Other Method for automatic categorization of items US6751600 06-15-2004 Open Invention Network, LLC
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific Method and device utilizing polymorphic data in e-commerce US6993506 01-31-2006 Open Invention Network, LLC

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