Note: Click on column header to sort
Category |
Title ↓ |
Patent Number |
Issue Date |
Assignee |
Image Processing and Video Technology |
Wire-mesh generation from image data |
US5257346 |
10-26-1993 |
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific |
Web browser row control |
US6205454 |
03-20-2001 |
Internet, eCommerce, and Industry Specific |
Web browser column control |
US6232967 |
05-15-2001 |
Compression, Encryption, and Access Control |
Watchdog for trusted electronic content distributions |
US6219788 |
04-17-2001 |
Miscellaneous |
Voice mail system, voice synthesizing device and method therefore |
US6289085 |
09-11-2001 |
Database and Data Handling |
Visually oriented, easily navigable search facility |
US6272489 |
08-07-2001 |
Other |
Visualization and self organization of multi-dimensional data through equalized orthogonal mapping |
US6134537 |
10-17-2000 |
Computer Associates International, Inc. |
Other |
Visualization and self organization of multi-dimensional data through equalized orthogonal mapping |
US6907412 |
06-14-2005 |
Computer Associates International, Inc. |
Other |
Visualization and self organization of multi-dimensional data through equalized orthogonal mapping |
US6212509 |
04-03-2001 |
Computer Associates International, Inc. |
Software Development & Object Technology |
Visual program runtime performance analysis |
US6189142 |
02-13-2001 |
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